This video features:
1. edited documentation from the developmental performance of Test Tones at Peoples Republic, working with both live electronic music and responsive video synthesis,
2. edited documentation from Monumental at AGNSW where Jack performed collaboratively with dancer Azzam Mohamed working with the live performance material developed around Test Tones.
3. Material taken from a previous project by Jack Prest, showing a developmental concept for the projection mapped sculpture and larger visuals. Gives a sense of aesthetic and scope of the proposed work for Test Tones.
An edit of documentation from the premiere season of The Risk Of Hyperbole at Phoenix Central Park in Sydney in November 2021. Shows the quality and scope of large scale multi-art projects led by Jack Prest and speaks to the potential high level outcomes for this current project. Also showcases Jack as a composer and performer as well as the basis for the live performance setup he is developing for Test Tones and his ability to collaborate with a team of artists to create a significant outcome.
Below are concept images for the final stage setting for Test Tones to be developed through this project.
Below is trailer for a recent work by Elia Bosshard in collaboration with Alexandra Spence which is relevant to the proposed development, in concept and content