The video features audio excerpts from a a selection of tracks for Movement along with a short section of Jack’s 2024 performance Echo Mapping.

Audio Playlist:

00:00 - Wedding Song

01:10 - Frontier

02:03 - Footwork

03:23 - Dawn

03:54 - Echo Mapping Performance

Video Playlist:

00:00 - Sample press shots for new release campaign.

00:44 - Footage from the 2021 performance at Phoenix Central Park, this album release is the final stage of a project started with this performance.

01:27 - This section show Azzam Mohameds choreography which will be used for film clip 2 for the release of Frontier.

02:02 - Behind the scenes footage of the recording sessions for Movement at Studios 301

03:20 - Unedited footage from film clip 1 for Dawn. Made in collaboration with Ben Wilson.

03:54 - Echo Mapping Performance, Jack collaborating again with dancer Azzam Mohamed.

I’ve included the rest of my quotes here (I had some issues uploading to the form) these include an invoice showing my professional rates for mix/master (included as artist contribution and in-kind support for the project) along with text conversations with collaborators confirming fees who haven’t sent me official quotes.


I have spoke to Zack and Kate at Magic Nothing and their pricings can be found here: https://magicnothing.xyz/pages/services