The first instalment in the Future Love Hangover interdisciplinary project. Released in 2013.
Future Love Hangover was born after the completion of Jack’s first solo album Ecstatic Yours Truly, in reaction to the music industry concept of the “album release cycle”. At the time in the early 2010’s the normal process for artists was 6-12 months of creative process making an album followed by 12-24 months of selling that album via media, touring and releases. For many independent artist this leads to more time being spent as a salesperson than as an artist. Jack re-contextualised the album release process into a conceptual art format he dubbed the “exposure”.
The exposure covered the period time from the first announcement of the album through to the final social media post. It incorporated all images, social media posts, videos, performances and music. The centre piece of the exposure was a web based album format for streaming of the album. The user could unlock a full download of the album by listening to the full playback. In essence the album cost 38 minutes, costing time not money. The key motivation behind this conceptual pop music release format was to make the release phase of the album a continuation and development of the artistic process. i.e. once the composition and production phase of the music is completed the artist moves into a public interdisciplinary development which facilitates the music release. Jack used this conceptual frame for his two further Future Love Hangover projects, Traditional Late Night Drinking and Sincere Input.
The website has been archived. Here is Jack talking about and demostrating the website.
The above video was one of the key videos for Ecstatic Yours Truly. It featured the kinetic sculpture Screaming Rapture created by Liam Ryan and Frank McGuire which was commissioned for the 2012 Vivid Festival.